Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in My Comfort Zone

Yesterday while I was asleep the door opened, and in walked Sam's roommates back from vacation. They had no problem with me staying a bit longer, but it felt cramped and I felt like I was imposing on them, so I decided to make some phone calls and see if CET would let me into the dorms early despite denying me earlier. Much to my surprise, they let me move in early for a still undetermined price per night. Somewhere between 100 and 280 RMB a night, they'll have me pay money later when they decide.

Thus today I went to the gym and then visited my old favorite restaurant for dinner:老边饺子 (laobianjiaozi - don't translate it in a translater). As soon as I walked in I was swarmed by all the servers who remembered me, and I had to tell explain why I was back and tell stories of Hangzhou. It was a fantastic welcome, and even better they still have all the good food from before. This is the place that got me hooked on jiaozi(dumplings), and I insist they have the best in all of Beijing. They are also the origination of my green bean obsession with 干边四季豆 (ganbiansijidou) and 干扁豆角(ganbiandoujiao). I got some 糖酥里脊 (tangsuliji), or sweet and sour pork/chicken as you may know it. It is a bit different here in China, and whether I get pork or chicken seems to depend on the place I go, the name doesn't change for some reason. I also got the latter of the aforementioned green bean dishes, and some rice. I will be going back with a friend for their dynamite dumplings because there is so much variety to choose from I'll need the help eating it.

Also, I am not posting or talking about the field hockey game for two reasons. One, China lost and it was very depressing. Second, why on earth is field hockey an olympic sport but football isn't. Synchronized swimming, field hockey, and ribbon dancing (Rhythm Gymnastics is a nice word for it) should not be Olympic activities. Period.

So there is that. Now: soccer pictures.

First, a video of them building the olympic stage. I thought it was hilarious because when they started they seemed to have no idea what they were doing and changed formation a few times. They then brought out too many blocks and had to turn around and carry them back. Fantastic organization.

This is the tasty meat dish I mentioned earlier.

And these are the green beans. This differs from the other variety in that it has a very strong cilantro like effect, I am not sure what exactly the green vegetable added to give it that taste is.

Simply a picture of the three teams about to board the newly constructed stage. Notice who is in the middle. Oh yeah, not you Brazil, you cry on your lower platform. They actually did cry, I don't know if you can see it in the picture.

Okay one picture from the field hockey game, Ron and I dressed up undercover to fool the Chinese into thinking we are one of them.

I found this funny, the Diabetes Hospital No. 01, implying there are more around Beijing. I feel like America needs some of these.

This is a picture I got with the first few people who lined up to take pictures with me. I insisted I document the moment. Symphony X, ice cream, soda, flag, goofy face, forearms larger around than that guys neck. I am leaking America.

CAPRI SUN. THIS HAS MADE ME SO HAPPY. This, and jollypong. Mmm Korean snackfood, it comes with its own mini plastic shovel so you can get fatter faster. Koreans do it right, cheez-its need a shovel.

And last but not least... for those of you who enjoy Battlestar Galactica...CYLON COFFEE! AHHH:

1 comment:

Penixzord said...

OMG the food looks so good and the milk tea.. mmm.