Sunday, November 2, 2008

Go Bad Walls

I love the spam I get in e-mails. I keep track of the best ones and Dan and I use the best of the excellent engrish phrases in every day speech, but there has long been one that has dominated. I got one spam message that simply stated, "Invaried beanboles, undeported seaboards." and nothing more. No link, no picture, simply the cryptic phrase.

A year has passed since that fateful spam email, and today I finally got another link free pictureless cryptic message. "Late wings spoke, go bad walls." I think someone from the future is telling me something through these random spam emails. I must figure out what it is.

On the China front, I spent the weekend revisiting some of the places I went with the mother and aunt for shopping. Most of the time spent revisiting was all done on one big stretch of road spotted with excellent shops and cafes. Aside from that, I had plans to go to the trophy row until UT lost, and then I just decided to go to the gym and work out instead.

But Chris, what is Trophy Row? Thank you for your curiosity. Last week when we were riding a bus to the forbidden city we passed stopped at a light, and I looked out to see a shop filled with trophies. All they did was engrave and sell trophies, which didn't a bad business model until the bus began moving and you saw that the next 10 or 15 stores on both sides of the street did nothing but sell trophies. It was mind blowing. I need to go take pictures of this phenomenon, and then perhaps get some excellent trophies made for those who deserve them. For example, "Dan - Slayer of Dragons and Savior of Mankind" engraved in Chinese and English on a trophy with a female golfer on top. Or perhaps a, "JJ - Master of the Seven Swords of Salishar and Keeper of the Sacred Flame" in Chinese and English on a race car trophy. The combinations are endless and excellent.

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