Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week in Progress

I discovered today while there are no other male teachers at our school. It isn't the reasons I heard before about salaries and social perceptions about appropriate jobs for men. No, it is something much simpler. Today one of the girls was excited to see me and came running up yelling, "Chris! Chris! Good morning Chris!" She was running at top speed to give me a hug, and hearing her yelling I turned around just in time to say, "Hell- OH" as she inadvertently punched me straight in the crotch. It was match point, game over, white man down level of pain. I hadn't been racked like that since football, and by damn I think I'm going to invest in a cup. I've had lots of close calls, but I'd managed to avoid the flailing limbs that are so dangerously aimed around crotch level up until today.

Aside from that, the week has been fairly good to me. I'm getting better and better at handling the kids both in terms of keeping them happy and in keeping them in line. I do know for sure, though, that as a result of my experience I don't want kids any time soon. So intense.

My first day at the part time job is Thursday, two days from now, and I'm not yet entirely sure what to expect.

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